
Showing posts from March, 2018

What is 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G ? Evolution in TeleCommunication.

            Telecommunications refers to the exchange of information by electronic and electrical means over a significant distance. A complete telecommunication arrangement is made up of two or more stations equipped with transmitter and receiver devices. A single co-arrangement of transmitters and receivers, called transceiver, are used in telecommunication stations. Telecommunication is defined as the science and technology of communication over a distance. The ability to transfer information quickly, accurately, and efficiently has always been one of the main focuses driving human innovation. From prehistoric man with their signal fires to the smart phone wielding high-powered executives of today, communication still remains a key for survival and success. The history of telecommunication illustrates progress as it steadily parallels human growth, becoming more widespread and efficient as the development of modern civilization unfolds. ...